Wednesday, February 25, 2009

new favorite iphone app

I'm absolutely obsessed with the 'my plate' application. I really like the web features, but it's the iPhone app that just kills me. The iPhone app is so clean and well thought out that I actually prefer the iPhone app over the web forms. I don't think that I've ever chosen to use a mobile app over a full screen web application. The smaller screen size almost always becomes enough of a detriment that the web is a much easier way to go, but it's just not true in this case.

The app is about tracking your calorie intake and tracking your workouts, but with this type off app, you usually get tired of it after just a day or two. The difficulty in putting in every meal you eat, and each individual item is just too painful. It's just not true with this one. It's so easy to enter search information in, and the fact that they've preloaded you with not only food you buy in the grocery store, but also food you eat out at a restaurant. From Old Spaghetti Factory to Hardees (Carls Jr) and Kroger. The extensive database is quick on the 3G network and I'm just so impressed that I can keep track of that level of detail without frustration.

I'm fortunate to have such a great organization like to participate in, as they seem to be extremely commited to their goals, as well as the overall health of everyone, and making it available for everyone to use.

It's a pretty close tie, as to whether I use my facebook, pandora or livestrong iPhone app more each day, but I'm giving them all a run for their money on a hourly basis.

Great job to their web team.